charli beth

make gif

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In case you didn't know.

Go follow my Photography Blog for my new business TreyMcClendon Photography. I'll be sharing sneak peeks as well as inspiration, idea, and entertainment of life through the eyes of a wierdo... i mean Artist :)

Here's a sneek peak of what you'll find on the Photography Blog.

Talk to you soon.
Think happy thoughts


Monday, February 21, 2011

Here we go


And a silence fell over the crowd. Hahah. Jk. Ok. So I'm back after much flack taking about not respecting the followers of my blog because I don't update often enough. So. Here we go.


Also please go follow my photography blog at

I leave you with some recent pics of the queen of the house.

Think happy thoughts.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone